april / may 2017
ModifyVirasana if needed
to find safe alignment in your body.
If you experience
pain in your knees ...
TRY supporting your buttocks
with a block or blanket.
Find the height of support
that allows you to have a
sense of stretching in your
thighs and knees without
any pain or sharp sensation.
Gradually reduce the support
over time to increase
flexibility in your knees.
If the stretch in
your ankles is too
intense ...
TRY placing a rolled-up
hand towel or thin blanket
under the fronts of your
ankles to lift them slightly.
Play with the height of
the roll to find the perfect
amount of stretch for you.
Most of us know the word karma. But
perhaps fewer of us are familiar with the
term krama, which means “order” or
“sequence.” For instance, this Yogapedia
column presents a krama, or a sequence
of asanas, with each asana preparing us
for the next one in the series. Keeping this
in mind can intensify a practice and help
us move as deeply as possible into each
pose; it maximizes the benefits of each
posture and transforms the asana from
mere physical exercise into a vehicle for
developing a more focused mind and a
refined level of awareness. In other words,
this approach turns your asana practice
into a meditation in action.
If your feet cramp up ...
TRY kneeling on two bolsters
laid horizontally and pressed
together, so that your feet and
buttocks hang off the back
edge. Support your buttocks
with a block. This takes pres-
sure off your feet and also
works to relieve ankle pain—
and it can be combined with
the knee-pain modification
page 28
prep, pages 30-31
page 32
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