Yoga Journal Singapore — April-May 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


april / may 2017


page 32

Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
Three-Limbed Forward Bend
Improves flexibility in the ankle, knee, and hip joints; tones the abdominal
muscles and organs
Sit in Staff Pose. Bend your left leg at the knee, roll your calf out, and
place a blanket under your right buttock. Inhale, raise your arms, and lean
forward. Catch your right foot and lift your chest to create a concave back.
If you are unable to reach your foot, use a strap. Exhale and bend forward,
keeping your weight on the bent knee. Bring your trunk close to your legs.
Hold 30–60 seconds. Inhale to sit up; switch sides.

Stretches and tones the leg muscles; strengthens the hip joints;
strengthens the abdominal and spinal muscles

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. If your
hamstrings are tight and your pelvis tilts backward, sit on a blanket
or two. Place your palms on the floor by your hips, fingers pointed
forward. Tighten your kneecaps, pull your quadriceps muscles
toward your groin, and press your thighs and knees into the floor.
Lift the sides of your body. Lift your breastbone and move your
shoulders back. Keep your hips, shoulders, and head all in one line,
perpendicular to the floor.

Dandasaaa a Staff Pose


3 Exhale, bend your left knee, and hold your left foot with both hands.
Keep your pelvis level, move your sacrum forward, and lift your side

4 Lengthen your inner left calf from the knee toward the ankle to
extend the left leg upward. Tighten the left kneecap, pull the left
quadriceps muscle toward the hip, and stretch the left hamstring from
the buttock toward the knee. Roll your outer left hip toward the floor,
move it slightly forward, and sit evenly on your sitting bones.
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