
(Jacob Rumans) #1


february / march 2017

Side Crow Core
(Parsva Bakasana)

Work Your Obliques
Make your way onto your back. Pull your knees in toward your
nose, legs together. Lift your arms up toward the ceiling, lift your
upper back off the mat and twist to the right until your arms are
outside of your legs, shoulder distance apart. Flex your hands,
press your palms forward, and squeeze the right side of your body
as if you’re doing side crow, but on your back. Press the outside of
your left arm into your right outer thigh. When you inhale take the
arms overhead toward the top of your mat and extend your legs
out in front of you toward the bottom of your mat, hovering your
arms and legs a few inches over your mat. When you exhale, pull
your knees back into your chest and take your arms to the outside
of your left leg like side crow. Repeat 5 times on each side, then
place you feet on the floor hip distance apart.

Side Plank

Strong Arms and Core
Rock forward to plank position. Place the right hand a couple of
inches toward the center of your mat, slightly out in front of your
right shoulder, keep your right leg straight as you roll onto the
outside of your right foot. Keep your right elbow crease pointed
toward to top of your mat, while drawing your right shoulder
blade down, press the heel of your right hand into your mat. Stack
your left foot directly on top of your right foot and flex your feet,
reaching your toes toward your chest. Take the left arm up toward
the ceiling, reach through the fingertips, relax your shoulders
away from your ears and take your gaze up toward your left
thumb. Engage your core to lift your right hip away from the mat,
tuck your tailbone and draw your lower ribs in. Hold here for 3
breaths and change to the opposite side.

Shoulder Opener

Counter Pose
Lower all the way down onto your stomach.
Take your arms out to a “t” position and hug
your legs in toward one another. Bend your
left elbow and come up onto your left finger-
tips. Press your left fingertips into the floor
and begin to roll into your right arm, stacking
your left hip on top of your right hip. Stay
as is, or bring the ball of your left foot onto
floor behind your right calf muscle. Hold for 3
breaths and change to the opposite side.


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