Your Family - April 2017

(John Hannent) #1




white hens’ eggs
yellow craft paint
skewer or corkscrew
yellow cotton string
or embroidery thread
long sewing needle

Holding an egg firmly in one hand, use
the tip of a corkscrew or metal skewer to
carefully pierce a small hole the size of a
pinhead. You may find it easier to use an
egg piercer – you’ll find them at a specialist
kitchen shop.

Pierce a second hole at the other end.
Insert a straightened paperclip to pierce
the yolk. Standing over a clean bowl, press
your mouth to one end of the egg and
blow out the contents of the egg. Once
you’re happy it’s empty, soak the blown
eggs in a bowl of salted water for
30 minutes. Allow water to drain out
of the eggs and allow to dry thoroughly.

Thread a length of cotton through the
holes in the egg. Knot one end to secure
and form a loop at the other end.

Lightly wash diluted acrylic paint over
the eggs. Allow to dry.

Look out for bright yellow scrapbooking paper
(PNA has a great selection) and cut out large
bunnies using the templates online to add
splashes of playful colour to the table. Plastic
or polystyrene eggs can be painted with acrylic
craft paint, then decorated by the kids using
Tipp-Ex pens. Perfect fun for Easter morning!

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