
(Greg DeLong) #1

Learn to find your centre of balance and open your

hamstrings in these prep poses for Svarga Dvijasana

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
(Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)

Gives you a strong sense of where your central axis is,
allowing you to balance.

From Tadasana, bring your left knee up to your chest. Reach
your left arm inside the thigh and take hold of the outside of
your left foot firmly. Pull up the front thigh muscles of the
right leg, and press the outer right thigh inwards. Straighten
the left leg, then take it out to the side. Take 5-10 breaths,
keeping the supporting leg straight and the chest open. Slowly
release the leg back down and switch sides.

Akarna Dhanurasana, variation
(Archer Pose, variation)

Opens the hips, stretches the hamstrings and strengthens the back muscles
used for sitting and standing up straight.

Sit on the floor with the legs together and straight out in front of you, hands
alongside your hips, in Dandasana (Staff Pose). Inhale and bend the left knee
back behind the armpit area (rather than out to the side), bringing your left foot
up to your chest. Keep the spine long and hold the sole of the foot firmly with
the left hand. The sole of the foot should point forward or up to the sky. Place
the right hand on the floor for support or reach down and bind the fingers
around the big toe of the right foot in a yogi toe lock. The right leg stays strong,
quads engaged. Bring the drishti over your left shoulder. Hold for 5-10 breaths
before releasing and changing sides.

Opens your chest and shoulders, strengthens your legs, and lengthens
your sides

From Virabhadrasana II, or Warrior Pose II, with the left foot forward,
place the left hand on the instep side of the left foot. Ensure that the back
toes are turned in about 45 degrees and the back heel is down. Extend
your right hand to the sky, then wrap it behind your back. Feed your left
hand under your left thigh until the hands clasp. Firming the back leg,
gently press your hips forward as your chest and torso rotate toward the
sky, then begin to extend the left leg until it is completely straight. Engage
the quads and spread the front toes for balance. Bring your drishti over
your right shoulder, and take 5–10 breaths before changing sides.

Baddha Trikonasana
(Bound Triangle Pose)


may/june 2015



practise well

page 69

Svarga Dvijasana

page 68

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