OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Finding the right course for you


Look for the content of the course, not the style. A style is not
yoga but a method.


The course needs to cover all aspects of yoga: the theory,
philosophy, anatomy and practice. Ensure you are face-to-
face with your teachers, not on a screen filling out work. A
long distance course cannot replace a human being. Yoga is a
physical practice too and you won’t learn just by writing.


Who teaches the course? If you have more than two tutors then
you may find continuity and delivery changes too. Are those
tutors home-grown? This gives you an insight into how the
school develops its graduates.


Try a session with the school. At Sun Power Yoga, we offer all
students the option to attend a YTT day before they commit.
This really helps both the teachers on the course and the
prospective student to get a feel for the school and its ethos.
Finally, I strongly recommend you get on the phone and talk to
someone so you feel connected and comfortable as well as supported
though the application process. Ask as many questions as you can
as this will let you know the school is willing to give you the time you
deserve. Most of all, listen to your gut feelings – they are usually right!

Anne-Marie Newland is the founder of Sun Power Yoga Teacher
Training, an author, motivational speaker and mother of four (sun-

om yoga teacher training guide

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