OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

om body

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Yogi: Elizabeth Reumont (
Images courtesy of: Movement For Modern
Life (

om body


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  1. Headstand, or Headstand Prep
    Come on to hands and knees, with the forearms on the floor and
    fingers interlaced, elbows narrower than shoulders. Bring the crown of
    the head between the wrists, tuck the toes under and lift the sitbones
    up, extending the legs. Draw the shoulders away from the floor and
    either stay there, or walk your feet in towards the elbows. Step the legs
    together to touch and lift one knee, then the other into the chest. Stay
    there, alternating leg lifts, or take both knees into the chest, squeezing
    them together. Eventually take the knees directionally towards the
    ceiling with the heels reaching back to the buttocks until both knees are
    facing the ceiling. Extend the legs. Stay 10 breaths.

  2. Child’s Pose
    From kneeling position, bring knees apart, toes touching. Lengthen
    the torso, then fold forward, resting head on a block, bolster, or on
    the floor. Extend arms alongside the body and release hips. Stay
    five breaths.



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