Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017



is the creator ofHippie Lane, the cookbook and app based on
sophies and delicious, indulgent food — perfect for summer.
some of the inspiration behind Taline’s creations and some of her
s, extracted fromHippie Lane – Wholefood Goes Deliciously Luxe.

n behind
Lane, and how has it
f happened naturally. Growing
as obsessed with Nutella and
ut I was faced with my own
crisis around seven years ago
when I learnt that I was sensitive to
some common everyday ingredients:
gluten, egg, dairy, refined sugar, and
soy. I got experimenting with alternative
natural ingredients and fell in love with
the creative process and the delicious
results. I was coming up with unique
recipes that tasted amazing, and helping
others by offering recipe inspiration and
I launched Hippie Lane initially as a
wholesale business, supplying my treats
to cafés around town. It was received
very warmly and the business grew
organically from there. I had grown a
strong following in the health
community and the demand for my
recipes spurred the development of the
Hippie Lane recipe app in 2015. Two
years on I’m now launching Hippie
Lane The Cookbook.
My hope with the book is that it
offers a starting point for many, not
only those already health-
minded, but for the general
population who want
to go down the
healthy road
but feel

unattainable or unappealing. My recipes
work and as you start experimenting
and getting more experience in the
kitchen, you will notice your confidence
will grow as your skills develop and you
will surprise yourself on how simple and
satisfying ‘healthy’ can be.

What isHippie Lane’sguiding
I don’t promote any particular diets or
deprivation/restriction. Hippie Lane is
about an abundance of healthy natural
wholefoods, where you choose to make
healthy a priority, which will then lead
to a balanced, well-rounded lifestyle.
There is a strong focus on beauty, food
presentation and sharing delicious
nourishing meals with family and
friends. My recipes are favourites in my
home and with my extended family and
friends, with many inspired by my
heritage, current health
trends and childhood

How do these philosophies play
out in your own lifestyle?
Through lots of trials, errors and
successes, I have learnt that being strict
or restrictive is counterproductive to
living a balanced lifestyle. There are
some activities and healthy habits that I
think are really important if you wish to
achieve a healthy lifestyle. Choosing
healthy when it comes to your
daily diet — good proper
nutrition through
natural wholefoods
— unrefined,
Free download pdf