Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


he would often wake up in the middle of the night speaking
or acting illogically about where the baby was or how he was
One night Kristiana woke up to see Eric cradling a par-
tially open package of toilet paper. Somehow, he mistook the
Charmin for baby Jack. As he comforted their “baby,” one of
the rolls of toilet paper fell out of the top opening, and Eric
started yelling, “His head fell off! His head fell off! Kristiana,
his head fell off!”
Desperately trying to hold back her laughter, Kristiana
roused her husband out of his delirium and showed him
their son was peacefully sleeping in his crib... with his head
securely in place.
Sleep, or lack thereof, has a profound impact on our well-
being— and sanity. We tend to treat our bodies as if they are
bionic and will never break, but many of us have found out the
hard way that is the furthest thing from the truth. Not only
can lack of sleep make us loopy or cranky, studies show it can
actually impair our responses to a degree on par with being
legally drunk.^1 (I think toilet-^ paper Jack can attest to that.)
If we want to maximize our energy so we can follow wher-
ever God may lead, we must start with sleep. Are we getting
enough? Are we consistent with our sleep schedule? Are we
getting quality sleep?
Quality sleep impacts every area of our well- being and has
been linked to reducing high blood pressure, lowering choles-
terol, more effective learning, and a stronger immune system.^2
Bottom line: we may treat sleep as if it’s optional, but it is
essential. To sacrifice sleep for anything is truly a sacrifice. If
you want to maximize your energy, this is the place to start.

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