Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1

Move Time

After you have the habit of starting your day with water and
keeping track of how much you’re drinking, consider trying
a new habit of carrying a water bottle around or replacing
your soda consumption with water.
Keep water bottles in your car and at your desk. Keep
a collapsible cup in your purse, and get in the habit of
always ordering water with your meal, along with any other
drink you may order.

You’ve probably heard these ideas before, but the key here
is to remember our why. We drink more water not because
some doctor or magazine article or book said we should. We
do it because we want to be ready at every moment for what-
ever God may bring our way.
We want to make these small, simple choices because they
make us ready for big, difficult choices. We want to steward
well the body God has given us and make it ready to do good
works. “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be
trusted with much” (Luke 16:10).
Sleep more. Drink water. This fitness thing is easy!
Ask yourself, What is one simple thing I can do to improve
my hydration?

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