Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Community and Accountability


reach out and connect, inspiring one another to seek God on
a deeper level.
Whom do you look to for advice and inspiration? What
part does social media play in your day- to- day life? If you
need to build a stronger support community, invest intention-
ally in your most life- giving relationships. Be bold and invite
those who inspire you to coffee or dinner. Ask questions. Read
books that inspire you. Read blogs or listen to podcasts that
encourage you to grow. Encourage and invest in others, and be
the sort of friend who cheers on others.
Can you think of a time in your life when the people
around you caused you to live better than you would have on
your own? Can you think of people in your life right now who
influence you in that way?
Even if you feel as though you are alone, with the wonderful
advent of the Internet, you can find community, even if it’s on
the other side of the world. Here’s what Jen, one of our Hello
Mornings friends, had to say:

I joined Hello Mornings several years ago when I lived
abroad as a Peace Corps volunteer. In my remote village
on the edge of the Kalahari Desert, I lacked a good faith
community. Hello Mornings quickly became an important
part of my life, filling me socially and spiritually in a time
when I feared church and avoided Christian community,
for the most part. Once I returned to the USA, I contin-
ued to participate in Hello Mornings, eventually becoming
a Bible study group leader. Hello Mornings reminded me
that a community of Christians is vital to any believer, and
it gave me the courage to seek out real- life community. Now
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