Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Are You Ready?


  • Seasons: What seasons drain or fill me most?

The beauty of separating regular and occasional activities
is that we can spot in advance those drainers that can throw
us and our morning routine off kilter, as often happens during
the holidays and amid changes to our schedule.
Once you have a master list of drainers and fillers (you
can always add, of course), then you can apply them to your
decision- making and how you spend your time.
To bring this down to a super practical level, let’s think
through the potential drainers and fillers in our morning rou-
tines. I’ll start with an example.
This might be the worst confession ever in a book about
Bible study and God time, but... I am terrible at sitting and
praying. It is exhausting for me to focus and concentrate
and sit. At some level, it drains me. But I love pacing and pray-
ing or walking and praying or driving and praying. Something
about the movement with prayer allows me to focus and feel
energized to pray longer.
I have also found that I journal much better in a plain
spiral notebook with colorful pens. Having a really pretty
bound journal stresses me out because I am afraid I’ll mess it
up. Consequently, I write less often and less freely in it. Your
drainers and fillers can be small or large, and you can find
them anywhere.

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