Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


A Focus on Building the Habit

At the heart of Hello Mornings is one simple habit. We believe
that if we can help you build the habit of meeting with Jesus—
trusting that He has a plan for your life and living as though
you trust that plan— that habit will grow, as habits always do.
We also offer Bible studies, planning and fitness resources, and
group challenges designed to help you build on that one foun-
dational habit. Our focus isn’t necessarily teaching in- depth
Bible study methods, perfect planning techniques, or ideal fit-
ness regimens. Yes, we introduce people to all of those, but our
core purpose is to help you solidify the habits needed for each.
In just a few minutes each morning, anyone can attend to
important yet often overlooked aspects of life— a relationship
with God, planning the day, and improving health. The goal
isn’t overnight transformation but slow and steady progress
toward lifelong habits that radically change the direction of our
lives and allow us to thrive in whatever role God has given us.
We believe there is great power in small deeds done with
great faithfulness.

The Three Essentials of the Habit

From the very first day of school, we learn a little bit of read-
ing, a little bit of writing, and a little bit of arithmetic. We
don’t perfect our skills in one area and only then move on to
the next. Our teachers don’t lock up the reading books until
we’ve learned our arithmetic or our writing. Each skill plays
an important role. Simply buying gum at the store requires

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