OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

Is there anything you can do before the course to better prepare yourself?


t’s an exciting time: you’ve decided to
do the yoga teacher training course.
With any kind of education, you want
to be a little prepared before you
begin. You want to take in all the
information you can to fully understand the
layers of information you need to be a yoga
teacher. Here are some of the things you
can do to best prepare yourself.

Prepare the body
You will want to be doing some form of
exercise daily to build up your strength,
stamina, and endurance. If you’re doing
the yoga teacher training course, it’s

Formulate your plans

likely you’re already invested in yoga. You
should try to get to as many yoga classes
as possible to condition yourself. This is
because during a yoga teacher training

course, you’ll be practicing yoga for a few
hours a day. Doing yoga beforehand will help
you immeasurably.
It isn’t necessary to have a yoga practice.
You may actually find that you’re in a better
position than those who do have a practice
already but are doing it wrong. During yoga
teacher training, you’ll be learning how to
do poses with perfect alignment. It doesn’t
matter how far you can stretch but how well
you keep the body aligned during any given
pose. This is important for you to understand
so you can then pass this wisdom on to your
students. Flexibility and strength will come
naturally throughout the training.

You should try

to get to as many

yoga classes as

possible to

condition yourself

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