OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

The power of knowing your ‘why’ when selecting a teaching training programme.

By Dylan Ayaloo

The power of why


nowing your reason – or your ‘why’ – you are doing a
yoga teacher training is of paramount importance. It
is your inner compass; it is waiting to guide you to
that which is in alignment with who you are, what you
want in life, your values and your bigger purpose
amongst other things.
When you know why you want to do a teacher training, it will
be easier to find a training that matches your needs and serves
your outcomes.
Some people train to become a yoga teacher, some to deepen
their practice, others to change careers and some to learn more
about themselves or go deeper into their personal transformational
journey – or a combination of these.
How will you find what you want with clarity and ease when you
don’t know why you want it?
Always start with the ‘why’ first – then the ‘what’ and ‘how’ will fall
into place with ease.

Dylan Ayaloo is the founder of the Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy
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