OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

n Trust yourself. You have the ability and capacity to deliver the
teachings that lie within you. Self-confidence is key and the best
way to grow this is through experience so teach as much as you
can – friends, family, at work – you don’t need to wait for your
favourite studio to call you for cover.

n Self-practice is a must. A regular practice outside of class allows
us to discover the teachings and the practice in more depth. Get on
your mat and explore. It’s one thing explaining and quite another
experiencing. Knowing a posture in a physical sense allows you to
verbalise this experience rather than repeating a scripted sequence.

n Confidence comes from within. Spending still time in meditation
can help us connect deeper with our true self, find answers to our
questions and discover who we are and what we want to share.

n BYOB (or be your own brand). Spending time writing your
profile and bio or blogging allows you to examine what you want to
project as a teacher. Making it genuine and truthful will make it less
likely that we fall into the trappings of just delivering what we think
is going to be popular, rather than what we truly believe in.

Our own practice and relationship with yoga and ourselves
comes into play in how we deliver our classes. If we can practice
authenticity towards ourselves and continue our own yoga journey
with the open mind of an explorer, it’s more likely that we will be
able to tap into that voice that lies within and deliver our classes
with passion and authenticity.

By Erika Shapiro of Yogiyoga (
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