23 Prayers of Søren Kierkegaard
The Morning Office
O depths of riches; how unsearchable are your ways, O God, yet they
are all fatherliness and grace!^311
Lord, make my heart a temple in which you want to live. May every
impure thought, every earthly desire, be like the idol Dagon; each
morning broken at the feet of the Ark of the Covenant. Teach me to
master myself and make the costly sacrifice, to say with the Apostle:
‘I die daily.’^312
Infinite Love! Nothing changes you, who are without change! Let
yourself be moved. Let this prayer move you. Bless it so the prayer
may change the one who prays to conform to your unchanging will –
you who are without change.^313
The Psalm(s)
Glory to the Father......