Prayers of Great Traditions

(Axel Boer) #1


Prayers of Karl Barth

The Morning Office


Lord, God and Father, the word you have spoken to us in your dear
son, Jesus Christ, is so strict yet so kind, so humbling yet so uplifting.
Thank you that you give us no alternative except to bow down humbly
before you. But in this way you make us free and happy to stand on
our feet and look gladly and confidently towards the revelation of
your kingdom. Lead me continually by your Holy Spirit to obey you
in both humility and joyful freedom.^351

I bring before you all that troubles me, my failings, errors and
exaggerations, my trials and sorrows and also my rebellion and
bitterness, my whole heart, my whole life, which you know better
than I. I place it all in the faithful hands which you have stretched out
to the world in my Saviour. Take me as I am, raise me up and together
with all the weak and poor of the world enrich me from your perfect
fullness. Amen.^352

The Psalm(s)

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