Prayers of Great Traditions

(Axel Boer) #1


Prayers of Jeremy Taylor

The Morning Office


Most glorious and eternal God, Father of mercy and God of all
comfort, I worship and adore you with humility of soul and body and
I give you all praise for your infinite glories and perfections and for
the continual demonstration of your mercy to me, my loved ones and
to your holy church.^243

I am not worthy to be called your servant, much less am I worthy
to be your child; I am a sinner, who has loved things of the world
and despised the things of God; I have been proud and envious,
lustful and intemperate, deceived with presumption, disturbed by
anger, and disordered in my thoughts. Lord, pardon all my sins for
my dear Saviour’s sake. Holy Jesus, you died for me, save me and
deliver me and, for the days to come, may I never provoke you to
anger or to jealousy. Just and dear God, be merciful and gracious to
me. Amen.^244

The Psalm(s)

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