Yoga Journal Singapore - June-July 2018

(avery) #1


june / july 2018

Stand at the front of your mat in Tadasana with your hands in Anjali Mudra. As you inhale, stretch your arms forward and up and then overhead. As you
exhale, fold into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend). As you inhale, lengthen your spine, and step your left foot back into Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge).
Exhale, and step back into Plank Pose, then lower through Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) to the floor. Inhale to Bhujangasana (Cobra
Pose); exhale, and press back to Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose). From Down Dog, inhale to Anjaneyasana with your left foot
forward, then exhale and bring your right foot to meet your left, folding forward into Uttanasana. Inhale to come back to Tadasana. Repeat 3–5 times.
In Forrest Yoga, we first wake up each joint and muscle individually, and then we start to flow with Classic Sun Salutations.


Low Lunge

From Virabhadrasana I, turn your back heel up.
Release your hands to the mat, framing your front
foot. Set your back knee down. As you inhale, lift
your torso and arms overhead; as you exhale,
reach your right arm across your body so your
upper arm rests on top of your left thigh. Make a
fist with your bottom (right) hand, and cup it in
front of your chest with your left. As you inhale,
press your right arm into your left thigh, and lift
your chest. As you exhale, release your neck, and
twist deeper into the pose. Hold for 5–8 breaths,
then repeat poses 10–11 on the other side.


From Virabhadrasana II with your left leg
forward, place your right hand on the floor on
a diagonal, about 6 inches from your right foot.
Place your left hand against your left, inner
thigh, halfway between your hip and knee. As
you inhale, press forward on your left thigh to
traction your hip. As you exhale, arc your head
and chest toward your back leg, opening up
the left side of your waist. Hold for 5–8 breaths,
breathing into your spot.

VARIATION One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
Starting in Pigeon Pose, sit down on your left
hip. Move your shin forward so it’s parallel to
the front edge of your mat, then grasp your
foot with your right hand. Inhale, and pull your
chest forward toward your foot; exhale and
lower your chest down toward your foot. Hold
for 5–8 breaths, then repeat poses 12–13 on the
other side. If you feel discomfort in your hips or
knees, lie down onto your back, and move into
a reclining Pigeon Pose, bringing your legs to a
Figure 4 position. Breathe!
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