Yoga Journal Singapore - June-July 2018

(avery) #1


june / july 2018

Low Lunge
Come down onto your hands. On an exhalation,
step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning your right
knee over your heel. Lower your left knee to the floor,
and slide your left leg back until you feel a comfortable stretch in the
front of your left thigh and groin. Place the top of your left foot on the
floor. Inhale, and sweep your arms up.
Exhale to bring your hands into Anjali Mudra in front of your heart.
Exhale and hook your left elbow outside your right thigh, pressing your
palms together. Hold for 5 breaths, then exhale and unwind. With each
inhalation and exhalation, say:

“My body is powerful beyond measure.”

Repeat poses 4–5 on the other side.
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