The Socratic Method Today Student-Centered and Transformative Teaching in Political Science

(Frankie) #1

Franklin, Benjamin 70–8;Autobiography73, 75;
Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in
Pensilvania 73
Fullan, Michael 83

Glaucon 14–16, 61, 85, 128
God, or gods or divine 2, 22–9, 37–8, 48–9, 61, 63–4,
67, 76–7, 102, 116–19, 154, 158
Gorry, Jonathan 130
Gower, Barry S. 1
Great Books 10, 70, 72, 125– 6
Greek language 17–18, 128– 9
Greek poets 128
Grey, Ramona June 2, 152
Gunnell, John 158– 9

Hadot, Pierre 119
Haidt, Jonathan 144
Hand, Michael 116
Haroutinian-Gordon, Sophie 116
Harvard Educational Review 126
Haynes, Joanna 115– 16
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm 22
Higgins, Kathleen 146
Hirsch, E.D. 84
Hobbes, Thomas 59, 154, 156– 8
Homer 101;Iliad 25
Hume, David 59, 63, 153, 158

Jansche, Vanessa 1, 35
Jefferson, Thomas 70–2, 76– 8
Jenco, Leigh Kathryn 131
Jenks, Rod 1, 12
Jesus 23, 64
Johnson, Diane E. 148

Kant, Immanuel 2, 59–60, 62–8, 157;Critique of
Judgment65;Critique of Pure Reason63;
Religion within the Boundaries of Reason
Alone 64
Kirschner, Paul 84– 5
Klein, Jacob 47
Krahenbuhl, Kevin 82
Kreeft, Peter 1, 10– 11
Kronman, Anthony 83– 4
Kyriakides, Leonidas 83

Laches 35, 94, 98–108, 164– 5
Laertius, Diogenes 116
Laslett, Peter 152
LeMoine, Rebecca 2, 125
Lenkeit, Jenny 83
Livingstone, David W. 2, 81
Lukianoff, Greg 144
Lycon 24
Lysimachus 98–101, 103

McGuire, Steven F. 5, 59
Machiavelli,Niccolò 156 – 8, 160

Malcolmson, Patrick 83, 85
Mann, Thomas 28;Magic Mountain 28
Marsyas 37
Marx, Karl 154, 156–8, 160
Meckstroth, Christopher 132, 134
Melesias 98–101, 103
Meletus 24–6, 29
Mill, John Stuart 156
Myers, Richard 83, 85, 143

Neatby, Hilda 85–7, 89
Nehamas, Alexander 1
Neisser, Barbara 1, 105
Nelson, Leonard 1, 10–12, 98, 116
Nicias 98–104, 107–8, 164– 5
Nietzsche, Friedrich 23, 88, 131;The Birth of
Tragedy from the Spirit of Music 131
Nussbaum, Martha 85, 89, 125–6, 134, 141–2;
Cultivating Humanity: A Classical
Defense of Reform in Liberal Education
125 – 6
Nyotek, Alaska 128

Oakeshott, Michael 159
O’Connell, Colin 83
O’Connor, David 12
O’Neill, Brendan 144
Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) 82
Oxford Dictionary 146

The Paper Chase 22
Phillips, Kristopher G. 142
philosophy; art of dying 27, 53, 61, 118–20;
eros1, 35–43, 139;intellectus115;noesis16,
117 – 19;ratio 115 – 16
Pieper, Josef 117– 20
Pindar 53, 61
Pitkin, Hannah 158
Plato 1, 9, 11–18, 22, 23, 26–8, 35–39, 47–8,
53, 59–68, 70–1, 73, 76–8, 81, 94, 96–9,
104,107,116, 118, 125–7, 129, 131–4, 138,
152 – 5, 157–61; Academy 22, 28, 73, 134;
Alcibiades I1, 35–43;Apology1, 12–13,
22 – 8, 36, 47–9, 52–4, 77, 96, 100, 116,
118, 127, 129, 138;Charmides35;
Cratylus129;Crito50, 138; dialogues 11–18,
66 – 7, 132;Euthydemus116;Euthyphro1,
22, 29, 129;Gorgias 12 – 13, 24, 28, 77,
96, 116, 133, 147;Hippias Major129;
Laches35, 94, 98–108, 164–5;Laws155;
Meno1, 12, 35, 47–55, 61–2, 96, 127, 132;
Phaedo24, 54, 61, 96, 119, 138;Phaedrus61,
118;Philebus22;Protagoras23, 28, 77,
120;Republic2, 9, 12–13, 16–17, 22, 28, 35,
37 – 41, 50, 61, 81, 85–8, 96, 98, 128–9,
133;Sophist97;Symposium 35 – 8, 42, 147;
Theaetetus 35 – 6, 138
Polemarchus 13, 50, 128

Index 167
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