Tradition and Revolution Dialogues with J. Krishnamurti

(Nora) #1

am not giving, you are not receiving. We are sharing. So a relationship of sharing
is established. You are not sitting on the platform, and I on the ground. What
really happens when you share a problem like sorrow in human beings? It is

GS: At the time you are sharing sorrow, you do not see the person. I can
understand that with regard to deep personal emotions, but with an idea it is not

K: What is the point of sharing ideas?

GS: We share insights.

K: Which is understanding: but ideas are not understanding. On the contrary,
formulas about understanding prevent understanding. Sir, when you share
together, what takes place? Both of us have the same intensity, at the same time,
at the same level. That is love. Otherwise there is no sharing. After all, sir, to
understand something together, I must forget all my experiences, prejudices, and
so must you. Otherwise we cannot share. Have you ever discussed with a
Communist, with a Catholic?

GS: I try to understand him.

K: But he will not understand you. That is simple. Take Chardin, he may have
travelled extensively, covered a wide canvas, but he was fixed as a Catholic. You
cannot share with a man who is fixed. Sharing implies love. Can a man who is
fixed in a certain attitude love?

GS: He can have mystical experiences.

K: Because he is conditioned, he sees Krishna, he sees Christ, he sees what he
wants to. The question is whether the mind can uncondition itself—not through
time, for when the mind uses time to undo time, it is still within time. Real
understanding is out of time. There is so little of love, of sharing, but of the other
there is plenty. (pause)
Sir, here we ask the question: What is meditation? Can the mind be free of all
its content, because consciousness is made up of the content?

M: Most often when you talk of understanding you think of one individual. To
have communication you must have two minds. Also there are some thoughts
which arise only when two people are together.

GS: M says that there are situations when two people have ideas together which
neither could have had independently.

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