A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
2-3 minutes
Bene ts
This simple twist is appropriate for students of all levels and bene ts the
spine and gently massages the organs in the abdomen.
Risks and Contraindications
Modify this pose if you have lower-back pain, tight hips, or sciatica.
Alignment Points

  • Begin in easy seated pose (page 118) and cross the right shin in front
    of the left shin.

  • Place the left hand directly behind the sacrum, and keep the spine
    straight and tall.

  • Place the right hand on the left knee and roll the shoulders back and

  • Draw the right hip back so that both hips point directly forward. This
    will ensure that the twist is created through the movement of the
    shoulder girdle.

  • As the sternum lifts, draw the front of the ribs down and the belly back
    toward the spine.

  • Depending on the health of the neck, shift the gaze over the front or
    back shoulder and keep the chin parallel to the  oor.

  • Repeat on the other side.
    Modi cations and Other Options
    If you have lower-back pain, tight
    hips, or sciatica, sit on a block or a
    folded blanket in order to raise the
    hips higher than the knees for


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