A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

3-5 minutes

Bene ts

This is a calming and cooling posture that stretches the outer hips and
the spine, especially the lower back. It is also a great posture if you are

Risks and Contraindications

Modify this pose if you have sciatica, knee issues, or lower-back prob-

Alignment Points

  • Begin in a seated position.

  • Bring the soles of the feet together, with the toes forward and the
    knees opened outward.

  • Slide the feet forward, further than in butter y pose (page 93), until
    the lower body is shaped like a diamond.

  • Bring the hands to the feet or ankles.

  • Extend out through the spine and fold forward into the stretch, al-
    lowing the elbows to  are out.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • If you experience discomfort in the lower back, place a blanket or
    cushion under the sitz bones to elevate the hips.

  • If you feel pain in the knees, place blocks or cushions under the
    outer hips for support.

  • Placing a block under the forehead helps to relax the neck muscles.

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