A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
5 minutes or more
Bene ts
This is the ritual closing pose of any physical yoga practice. It activates
the relaxation response and cools the mind. It also helps lower blood
Risks and Contraindications
Modify this pose if you are pregnant and no longer able to fully recline.
Alignment Points

  • Begin on the back with the legs straight out. Allow the feet to relax
    and fall away from each other.

  • Extend the arms by the sides of the body with the palms facing up.
    Roll the upper arms outward and draw the shoulders down as the
    shoulder blades move in toward the heart.

  • Draw the chin down gently. This will help prevent the head from tilt-
    ing too far back, which could aggravate the neck.

  • Soften the entire body, close the eyes, and rest the body completely.
    Modi cations and Other Options

  • If you are pregnant, use a bolster along the spine for support.

  • Students may cover the body with a blanket for warmth or place a
    folded blanket under the head for support.

  • Place a bolster under the knees to help relax the hamstrings and
    relieve the back muscles.


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