A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

1-3 minutes

Bene ts

This pose provides a deep stretch for the chest, shoulders, wrists, and fore-

Risks and Contraindications

Modify or avoid this pose if you have wrist or shoulder issues.

Alignment Points

  • Begin in hero (page 116), shoelace (page 124), or easy seated pose
    (page 118).

  • Bring both hands behind the back and join the palms together with the
     ngers facing upward.

  • Slide the hands as high up the spine as you comfortably can, keeping
    the palms touching.

  • Sit up tall and draw the shoulder blades in toward each other,  nding
    the stretch.

  • Keep the chin parallel to the  oor.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • Instead of bringing the palms
    together, try grabbing el-
    bows with the opposite
    hands or making  sts and
    pressing them in toward each

  • For a deeper stretch, lean

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