A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


In yin yoga, we hold the poses a long time, which creates a concentration of
chi (life force) in the exposed tissues. After holding a yin yoga pose, it can
be beneficial in some cases to move the body to help spread this chi and
blood throughout the affected areas. This is done through counterstretches.
The counterstretch also provides a powerful release as you move the body
in the opposite direction from the yin yoga pose. This allows the tissues an
opportunity to rest and reset before moving into the next pose. For example,
after holding a long forward bend like half-butterfly pose, the counterstretch
half-butterfly backbend moves the torso from flexion into extension, providing
a reset for the connective tissues around the spine. The following poses and
stretches have a more yang-like quality and are therefore not held as long as
the yin poses.

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