A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

3-5 breaths

Bene ts

This pose provides a stretch for the spine, forearms, and wrists. It is a
good counterstretch for seated forward-bending poses like caterpillar
(page 92) and half-butter y pose (page 94).

Risks and Contraindications

Modify or avoid this pose if you have serious wrist or shoulder issues.

Alignment Points

  • Begin in easy seated pose (page 118), with the hands positioned
    about 12 inches (30 cm) behind the hips.

  • Spread the hands shoulder-width apart, with the  ngers facing the
    back of the mat.

  • Position the feet  at on the  oor about 12 inches (30 cm) in front of
    the hips and spread the feet about the width of the shoulders.

  • Lean back onto the hands, lift the hips off the ground, and level
    your belly button with the thighs and the chest.

  • Slightly tuck the chin to maintain a long neck.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • For some students, rotating the  ngers forward instead of backward
    is more comfortable for the wrists and shoulders.

  • Turn this movement into a gentle  ow by inhaling to lift the hips and
    exhaling to lower the hips gently to the  oor. Repeat for  ve cycles
    and hold the last upward table for three to  ve breaths.

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