64 | CHAPTER 3
First Millennium cultural traditions: Prophetic, scriptural, and exegetical phases
750s Earliest Arabic versions of
Aristotle (Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ).
c. 782 Caliph Mahdī commis-
sions translation of Aristotle’s
Topics from Patriarch Timothy.
787 Seventh (and last) Oecu-
menical Council at Nicaea:
restoration of icons.
c. 800 Latest additions to
Babylonian Talmud.
early 9th century Dāwūd
al-Muqammas, philosopher.
830s Partial Arabic translation
of Plotinus and Proclus as Theo-
log y of Aristotle.
c. 830 Death of Theodore
Abū Qurra, Arabic Chalcedo-
nian theologian.
c. 870 Death of Kindī, first
major Arabic philosopher.
later 9th century Rise of
Karaite critics of rabbinism.