Yoga for Speech-Language Development

(Steven Felgate) #1

176 Yoga for Speech-Language Development

school-age years 35–6
breath support for speech 77–9
yoga classes for 42
Schuele, C. 123, 126, 130, 140
Seikel, J.A. 68, 69–70, 71
self-other relationships in play 118–20, 121
sequential poses 116–18
shape and poses 103
shared book reading 124–5, 129–32, 133–4
sleep 40
smile chant 78
snake breath 75
social-emotional development model 54–5
songs 57, 64, 66, 103–4, 120
special needs/neurodevelopmental
disabilities 22
movements and sequential poses 116,
types 47–50
vocabulary acquisition 92–3
yoga classes 44–7, 51
yoga and emergent literacy 138–9
see also specific types
speech sound disorder 48
breath support for 79
spherical breathing 73–4
stories/narratives 35, 125
substantive and relational words 31–2
Sumar, S. 44, 58
sun salutation
child versions 102, 103–4, 117–18, 137
and “Namaste” 41, 83, 103–4, 135
surfer pose 110–11
syllabic structures and chants 87–8
symbolic play see play
Syntactic-Semantic Complexity Stage
Early 34
Late 35, 125

teapot and teacup poses 120, 121
temporal pairs 100

thematic content of play 113–16
“theory of mind” (ToM) 118–19
three-part breathing 73
Tinker, E. 25, 32
toddler and preschool years
breath support for speech 72–7
programs/classes 19, 40–2
see also emergent literacy; play
toys 110, 112–13
tree pose 120
triangle pose 103
Two-Word Stage 33–4
Uccelli, P. 93, 94
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization 122
van Kleeck, A. 25, 123, 126, 130, 140
verbs and poses 98–9
visual cues 113
visualizations, guided 41–2
vocabulary development 91–3
breadth and depth 94
lexical growth 94
and linguistic concept development 20–1,
Vygotsky, L.S. 91
Wankoff, L. 27
“warrior” poses 117
Weitzman, E. 57, 66
Wenig, M. 103, 104
Westby, C. 109, 110, 112, 113, 116, 118, 121
Westby Play Scale 107–8
whale breath 75, 85, 86
Williams, N. 16, 39, 95, 101, 103
word classifications 31–2
word combinations 33–4
benefits of 17–22, 23
origins and practices 12–17, 23
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