Spider – April 2019

(Marcin) #1
Other kids objected loudly, too.
Suddenly Doodlebug envisioned
dressing up as his favorite Viking,
Swein Fork-Beard, and leading a
giant anti-beanie brigade into school
the next day. He’d be their glorious

“I’ve got a plan,” he piped up after
thinking it through. It wasn’t going
to be a Viking charge but still... “We
wear the beanies like good students but
when we get to the assembly tomorrow
we all tear them off and throw them
at the ceiling. Then we stomp out!”
“Yes! Vive la résistance!” Beepde,
Bog, and Tomiko exclaimed.
“Yeah, we’re not wearing these
after today!” Rudyard shouted boldly.
His beanie was one of the worst.

I'm afraid you won't
be able to fly, then.

Bon! I detest baseball,
anyway! Vive la résistance!
W hat'd Miro say?

T hat's French for “Long
live the resistance!”

At school the next morning,
looking ridiculous but feeling
rebellious, the students took their

seats in the auditorium. There was
hooting and howling as kids made
fun of each other’s hats. But when
Principal Hogwobble appeared
onstage everyone sat quietly,
waiting for the rebel moment.
“I’ve got permission from all
your parents,” Hogwobble began.
“This new dress code will continue
each and every day. Anyone found
not wearing their school beanie
may get a trip to my office. And
just to—”
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