
(nextflipdebug2) #1

View a feedback session
as a learning opportunity.
Even if you are being critical,
explain your point of view
and give suggestions for
improvement. Unskilled
negative feedback will leave
the recipient feeling negative
and demotivated with nothing
to build on except their
feelings of resentment.



1 Are you clear on what you want to say? ...........................................

2 Have you prepared a positive start and end to the feedback? .......

3 Can you be specific in your developmental feedback? ...................

4 Is this the best time to give feedback? .............................................

Preparing to give feedback

Being confident

Feedback needs to be specific. Deal with
one issue at a time rather than trying
to tackle a number of issues at once.
Be clear and direct in your comments:
for example, “The way you gave the
information and drew the diagram was
really helpful to the customer,” or “At
that moment, I thought the customer
was feeling uncomfortable because you
seemed to be imposing your values, not
just giving facts.” General comments,
such as “You were brilliant!” or “That
was awful!” do not give the recipient
any opportunities for learning.

Being realistic
Be realistic when using feedback—only
refer to actions or behaviors that the
person is able to change. You may have
to start with small steps: for example,
“It would help if you smiled more when
you speak. I’m sure this would help our
customers to feel really cared for.” Gain
agreement from each person on small
goals, and praise people for having
reached the standards you have
previously defined.

Skilled feedback gives people
information about their behavior and
leaves them with a choice about how
and if to act on it—change that is
imposed too heavily will invite some
degree of resistance. Finally, always
ask the recipient to summarize the
actions they are going to take as a
result of feedback—this helps you
to double-check their understanding
and commitment to change.

US_118-119_Providing_feedback.indd 119 30/05/16 3:02 pm

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