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Improving confidence

Being prepared
Confidence can come in a number
of different ways. It comes from
experience as your track record as a
leader improves. It comes from having
well-formed plans and anticipating
challenges, and it comes from the
knowledge that you have a strong
business built on productive
working relationships.

Confidence is a cornerstone of good leadership. Especially in times of
uncertainty, upheaval, or crisis, believing in yourself and making the
right decisions will give you credibility and integrity, which in turn will
enhance the organization’s reputation and build trust in all stakeholders.

Regularly affirm your own
strengths as a leader by
privately listing your abilities
and achievements. This will give
you an instant confidence boost
and banish that internal critic
living in your head.


While there are no shortcuts to building confidence, there are ways that
you can project confidence to your team and to your stakeholders.

>>^ Consider giving your new vision a badge—a look or a logo to
symbolize the change you want to happen. By implication, those who
use the new language or adopt the new symbols share the leader’s
vision and have committed to the change.

>>^ Deliver your vision messages in sound bites no more than 30 seconds
long that sum up the benefits of the opportunities you wish to explore.

>> Use confident language to describe your vision. Listen and learn
from political leaders, who characteristically employ optimistic
language that suggests a future state—words such as “innovative,”
“special,” “original,” “latest,” “breakthrough,” “updated,” and
“leading-edge.” Used regularly, this kind of vocabulary spreads
through the organization.

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