
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Recording your
Networking time will
be wasted if you do not
record and follow up your
contacts. Your record
can be very simple—a
note of name, company,
and contact details, the
context of the meeting,
a brief account of what
was said, and a summary
of what you think this
person could do for
you, or vice versa. Some
people find it useful to
group their contacts as:

Developing your network
There are software packages that
can help you record and manage your
contacts, but check the legal data
protection requirements in your country
before compiling information digitally.
Your network list needs nurturing
and maintenance; people will fall off
without regular contact. Review your
list periodically and identify conspicuous

gaps. Remember that when people leave
a company they remain as your contacts,
so keep in touch—they may go on to
bigger and better things and become
even more useful to you.

Always send a thank-you
email or letter after every
meeting you have attended.

How to follow up


people whose
opinions usually
carry weight



people who
can award

of marketing professionals

through social media Communicating

for their business

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