
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Adapting your delivery style
Even though you will probably be reading
your speech, look for different ways in
which you can show personality and
commitment to your message. Use hand
gestures as you would naturally when
you speak, to emphasize your points. A
simple device such as this will help to
keep things interesting for your audience.

Don’t feel you have to read each word
or phrase exactly as written. You should
feel free to depart from your speech as
required; this will give your delivery a
much more spontaneous feel. Aim for
a style of delivery that does not call
attention to itself, but that conveys your
ideas clearly and precisely without
distracting the audience.

Break up your
sentences more
than usual so you
can deliver them
more easily.

Write delivery
reminders to
yourself on your
example, highlight
words you want
to emphasize or
write in “pause”
to remind yourself
of pacing.

Err on the side
of brevity.
Practice your
speech until
it becomes
second nature
to you.

Tips for speaking with confidence

US_350-351_Succeeding_speeches.indd 351 30/05/16 3:06 pm

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