
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Managing impasses

Once you have an agreed framework in
place, you also need to structure the
processes that will steer the negotiation
through its various phases. There are

three distinct processes—the negotiation
process, the temporal process, and the
psychosocial process—that come
together in any negotiation. Each
requires a different set of skills.
The negotiation process involves
managing all the information and
communications during the discussions,
planning and replanning, coordinating
efforts between negotiators, making
moves and countermoves (all in real
time), and making important decisions
under conditions of uncertainty and
time pressure.

Structure the processes

that will steer the
negotiation through

its various phases

The negotiation process

The temporal process

The psychosocial process

US_378-379_Designing_the_structure_2.indd 378 30/05/16 3:06 pm

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