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Achieving good teamwork
To help your teams perform to the best
of their ability, create clear goals. All
team members need to have a thorough
understanding of the goals of the team
and a belief that these goals embody
a worthwhile result. This encourages
team members to sublimate personal
concerns to those of the team. Members
need to be committed to the team’s
goals, know what they are expected
to accomplish, and understand how
they will work together to achieve
these goals.
However, these goals must be
attainable; team members can lose
morale if it seems that they are not.

To avoid this, set smaller interim
milestones in the path to your overall
goal. As these smaller goals are
attained, your team’s success is
reinforced. Cohesiveness is increased,
morale improves, and confidence builds.
As the manager of a team, it is your
job to provide the resources and support
that the members need to achieve
success. Offer skills training where
needed, either personally or by calling
in specialists within your organization
or outside training services.

members is the ideal

number for a team to work

at optimal effectiveness


Steering your team
Team members should all share in
the glory when their team succeeds,
but also share in the blame when the
team fails. However, members need
to know that they cannot ride on the
backs of others.

Identify what each member’s
contribution to the team’s work should
be and make it a part of his or her
overall performance appraisal. To help
monitor performance, select members of
the team to act as participant–observers.
While a team is working, the role of the
participant–observer is to focus on
the processes being used—the sequence
of actions that takes place between team
members to achieve a goal. Periodically,
the participant–observer should stop the
team from working on its task and
discuss the process members are
engaged in. The objectives of the
participant–observer are to improve
the team’s functioning by discussing the
processes being used and creating
strategies for improving them.

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