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Coaching and mentoring

Helping others develop
As a coach, a manager’s job is to help
members of their team develop skills
and improve. This involves providing
instruction, guidance, advice, and
encouragement. Effective coaches
first establish a supportive climate
that promotes development. It is
particularly important that you remain
nonjudgmental and understanding
throughout the process, try to solve
problems jointly, and educate those
you are coaching about how to solve
their own problems in the future. As
you learn more about the person you
are coaching, try to determine the
sources of any problems you discover,
and provide meaningful feedback.

Coaching is the process of helping people improve performance. A coach
analyzes performance, provides insight on how to improve, and offers
the leadership, motivation, and supportive climate to help achieve that
improvement. In mentoring relationships, a more experienced person
formally pairs up with a less experienced one to help show them
“the ropes” and to provide emotional support and encouragement.

Coaching a process
To coach successfully, you will need
to follow these steps:

  • Explain and then demonstrate^
    the process.
    -^ Observe the person practicing^
    the process

  • Provide immediate, specific
    -^ Express confidence in the^
    person’s ability

  • Agree on follow-up actions.^

The role of a mentor
Mentoring is a broader role. The goal of
a mentor is to help a less experienced
person achieve his or her career goals.
Mentors perform as both coaches and
counselors as they guide their less
experienced associates toward improved
performance. Mentoring can help new
organization members gain a better
understanding of the organization’s
goals, culture, and advancement criteria.
It can also help them become more
politically savvy and avoid potential
career traps. As a mentor, try to help
others reduce the stress caused by
uncertainty about how to do things and
deal with challenging assignments. Be
a source of comfort when newer, less
experienced people just need to let off
steam or discuss career dilemmas.

of large companies run

internal coaching programs

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