Seaways – May 2019

(lily) #1

Read Seaways online at May 2019 |  Seaways  |   35

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Representing The Nautical Institute
Î to the maritime industry and beyond

The Nautical Institute and the Royal Navy launched the 11th edition of
Principles of Navigation with a navigation seminar generously hosted by
the UK P&I Club. Presentations by navigation specialists, including the
author of the book, were rounded off by a talk from the First Sea Lord
Admiral Sir Philip Jones KCB ADC.

Senior Vice President Jillian
Carson Jackson FNI attended
the International Association of
Lighthouse Authorities (IALA)
ENAV meeting and ENAV initial
operating capability workshop
in Singapore. She also took the
opportunity to meet the newest
Honorary Fellow of The Nautical
Institute, Capt Segar, Assistant
Chief Executive (Operations) of
the Maritime and Port Authority
of Singapore (MPA).

Director of Publications Bridget Hogan and Training and Accreditation
Manager Maneesh Varma FNI visited the International Maritime
Employers’ Council to discuss the development of a specialist training

NI staff had the
opportunity to visit
the Polish sail training
ship Dar Młodziezy,
visiting London as
part of a world cruise
to celebrate the
100th anniversary of
Polish independence.
Technical Manager
Ghulam Hussain (L)
and Director of Projects
David Patraiko FNI
(R) presented the
Master Capt Szymanski
(centre) with a
Nautical Institute
plaque to mark the

Captain John Lloyd FNI presents First Sea
Lord Admiral Sir Philip Jones with a copy of the
11th edition of Principles of Navigation

Author Alastair Harris explains the
process of updating the text and the
new focus on electronic navigation

Staff and guests
at the launch

A packed room for the launch seminar
Free download pdf