1.11 Applications of Fourier Series and Integrals 117
- Find the functionf(x)whose complex Fourier coefficient function is
a. C(λ)=
{ 1 , − 1 <λ<1,
0 , otherwise;
b. C(λ)=e−|λ|.
- Show that the complex Fourier coefficient off(x)=e−x^2 is
−λ^2 / 4
Use a change of variable in the exponent. You need to know that
e−z^2 dz=
1.11 Applications of Fourier Series and Integrals
Fourier series and integrals are among the most basic tools of applied mathe-
matics. In what follows, we give just a few applications that do not fall within
the scope of the rest of this book.
A. Nonhomogeneous Differential Equation
Many mechanical and electrical systems may be described by the differential
y ̈+α ̇y+βy=f(t).
The functionf(t)is called the “forcing function,”βythe “restoring term,” and
αy ̇the “damping term.” It is known (see Section 0.2) that: (1) a sine or cosine
inf(t)will cause functions of the same period iny(t);(2)iff(t)is broken
down as a sum of simpler functions,y(t)canbebrokendowninthesameway.
Suppose thatf(t)is periodic with period 2π, and let its Fourier series be
f(t)=a 0 +
n= 1
Then a particular solutiony(t)will be periodic with period 2π; it and its deriv-
atives have Fourier series
y(t)=A 0 +
n= 1