
(jair2018) #1

72 Chapter 1 Fourier Series and Integrals

  1. Show that the functions cos(nπx/a)and sin(nπx/a)satisfy orthogonality
    relations similar to those given in Section 1.

  2. Suppose a Fourier series is needed for a function defined in the interval
    0 <x< 2 a. Show how to construct a periodic extension with period 2a,
    and give formulas for the Fourier coefficients that use only integrals from
    0to2a. (Hint: See Exercise 5, Section 1.)

  3. Show that the formula
    gives the decomposition of the functionexinto a sum of an even and an
    odd function.

  4. Identify each of the following as being even, odd, or neither. Sketch on a
    symmetric interval.
    c. f(x)=|cos(x)|;

b. f(x)=|x|;
d. f(x)=arc sin(x);
f. f(x)=x+cos(x+ 1 ).

  1. Iff(x)isgivenintheinterval0<x<a, what other ways are there to
    extend it to a function on−a<x<a?

  2. Find the Fourier series of these functions.
    a.f(x)=x, − 1 <x<1;
    b.f(x)= 1 , − 2 <x<2;

c. f(x)=


x, −^12 <x<^12 ,
1 −x,^12 <x<^32.

  1. Is it true that if all the sine coefficients of a functionfdefined on−a
    <x<aare zero, thenfis even?

  2. We know that iff(x)is odd on the interval−a<x<a, its Fourier se-
    ries is composed only of sines. What additional symmetry condition onf
    will make the sine coefficients with even indices be zero? Give an exam-
    10.Sketch both the even and odd extensions of these functions.
    a.f(x)=1, 0 <x<a;
    c. f(x)=sin(x),0<x<1;

b. f(x)=x,0<x<a;
d. f(x)=sin(x),0<x<π.
11.Find the Fourier sine series and cosine series for the functions given in
Exercise 10. Sketch the even and odd periodic extensions for several peri-
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