Quilters Companion - AU (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1
together along one edge, just stitching
through the fold of the fabrics without
penetrating the papers, as shown in
Diagram 2.


Repeat this process to join the
remaining shapes together in
a circle. Then repeat the process to
make four medallions. Lightly spray
starch from the wrong side and press
well. Turn them over and press again
from the front. Carefully remove the
papers from behind the shapes (and
any basting stitches, if you thread
basted). Press one more time.


Fold each of the 7in x 12in
rectangles of cream print fabric
in half horizontally and vertically
and lightly press them to crease
their centres. Pin or glue baste two
medallions on each rectangle with an
elongated hexagon at the 12, 3, 6 and
9 o’clock positions. They should lie ½in
either side of the vertical centre crease
with the horizontal crease running
across their centres. Appliqué the inner
and outer edges of each medallion to
the background fabric using thread
that blends with the appliqué fabrics.


Trim the background rectangles
to measure 6in x 11in, keeping the
medallions centred.



Sew a 1¼in x 20in strip of light
blue print fabric to each 1¼in x
20in strip of dark pink print fabric,
long edges matching. Press the seams
towards the blue fabric. Then join the
pairs of strips so the colours alternate.
Press the seams towards the blue
fabric again.


Cross cut the strip set to yield
14 segments each 1¼in wide, as
shown in Diagram 3.


Join three segments together,
end to end, ensuring that the
colours continue to alternate. Repeat
to make a total of four rows of 12
pieced squares. Unpick the centre
seam in the remaining two segments
and add a two-square segment to the
end of each of the rows, as shown in
Diagram 4. You should now have four
rows of 14 squares that begin with a
blue square, end with a pink square
and have the colours alternating
along their length. Each row should
measure 1¼in x 11in from raw edge to
raw edge.


Join a row of squares to the
top and bottom edges of each
appliquéd rectangle: position them so
that the row on the top edge begins

with a blue square on the left and the
row on the bottom edge begins with
a pink square on the left, as shown in
Diagram 5. Press seams away from
the rows of squares.


Sew a 6in x 11in rectangle of pink
floral print fabric to the bottom
edge of each panel and a 1¼in x 11in
strip of cream print fabric to the top
edge. Press seams outwards. Your
panels should measure 13¾in x 11in
from raw edge to raw edge.



Fuse a 14in x 12in rectangle of
batting to the wrong side of each
panel. Because the batting rectangles
are larger than the fabric, use a
pressing cloth or appliqué mat to
protect your iron. Machine stitch a line
of stitching ⅛in inside all four edges of
the fabric to prevent fraying.


Quilt the panels as desired.
Katrina hand quilted her bag in
Perle 12 thread. She stitched in the
ditch around the appliquéd medallions
and then echo quilted ¼in away from
this first line of quilting, working several
concentric triangles in the open spaces.
She also quilted in the ditch along the
edges of the patchwork squares. On
the pink floral print rectangles, she
quilted vertical straight lines and in
the cream print strip at the top of the
panels, she worked a straight horizontal
line through the centre.


Trim the panels to measure
13½in x 10¾in from raw edge to
raw edge.



Join the 8½in x 10¾in rectangle of
pink floral print fabric to the 9¼in
x 10¾in rectangle of dark pink print
fabric along one 10¾in edge. Press
the seam towards the pink floral print


Turn the fabrics so that they
are wrong sides together
and the unsewn 10¾in edges are
matching. Press. Because the dark

Diagram 3

Diagram 4

Diagram 5

1¼in 1¼in 1¼in 1¼in 1¼in 1¼in 1¼in






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