1.1. The energy functional F. Let C^00 (M) denote the set of all
smooth functions on a closed manifold Mn. We define the energy func-
tional F: 9J1et x C^00 (M)-+ JR by
Note, in addition to the metric, the introduction of a function f. This embeds
the space of metrics in a larger space. We shall sometimes follow the physics
literature and call f the dilaton.
Since~ (e-f) = (-~f + 1Vf1^2 ) cf, we see from JM~ (e-f) dμ = O
So we have two other expressions for the energy:
(5.3) F(g, f) =JM (R + ~J)e-f dμ
(5.4) =JM (R + 2~f - IV fl^2 )e-f dμ.
The second way of expressing the energy is motivated by the pointwise
formula (5.43) in subsection 2.3.2 below.
LEMMA 5.1 (Elementary properties of F).
(1) Dirichlet-type energy. The geometric aspect of F is reflected by
F (g, 0) =JM Rdμ being the total scalar curvature and the function
theory aspect of F is reflected by expressing it as
where w = e-f 12 , which is a Dirichlet energy with a potential term.
(2) Diffeomorphism invariance. For any diffeomorphism 'P of M, we
F ( 'P* g, f o 'P) = F (g, f).
(3) Scaling. For any c > 0 and b
F (c2g, f + b) = cn-2e-b:F (g, f).
EXERCISE 5.2. Prove the properties for the energy in the lemma above.
1.2. The first variation of F. We use the symbol o to denote the
variation of a tensor. We shall denote the variations of the metric and