
(jair2018) #1

8.2. Bounds for £-Jacobi fields. Let c: > 0 and let 'Ys : [O, f] ----t

M, s E ( -c:, c:) , be a smooth 1-parameter family of £-geodesics. In this

subsection we adopt the notation of subsection 8.1 above. Assume Y (0, s) =
0 for s E (-c:, c:) (for simplicity we may assume 'Ys (0) = 'Y (0) for alls). We
shall estimate from above the norms of £-Jacobi fields Y (r) = Y (r, 0).
By the first variation formula for the £-length and the £-geodesic equa-
tion, we have for s E (-c:, c:),

We differentiate this again to get

(6}£) ('Y) = 2vfr (V'xY, Y) (f) + 2vfr (X, \7yY) (f),

where we used \7yX = 'VxY.

Now the derivative of the norm squared of the £-Jacobi field is

d~lr=r IYl

= d~lr=r IY(r)l~(r) = 2(\7xY,Y) (f) +2Rc(Y,Y) (f)
(7.125) = 2 Re (Y, Y) (f) + ...ff ( 6}£) ('Y) - 2 (X, \ly Y) (f),

which is expressed in terms of the second variation of £. Let Y be a vector
field along 'Y which satisfies the ODE



(vxY-) (r) =-Re (Y-(r)) + 2 ~Y (r), r E [O,f],

y (f) = y (f).

(The first equation is the same as (7.66).) As in (7.68),

(7.128) ly (r)l

= ~ IY (f)l^2.

In particular, Y (0) = 0 = Y (0).
Now we further assume that the 'Ys are minimal £-geodesics for each

s E (-c:, c:). Let is : [O, f] ----t M be a I-parameter variation of 'Y with

  • al -

is = Y, is (f) = 'Ys (f) and is (0) = 'Ys (0) ;

S s=O

this is possible because Y (0) = Y (0) and Y (f) = Y (f). Then C (is) ~

C bs) for all s, and equality holds at s = 0. Hence

(6}£) ( 1 ) :S (6ic) ('Y),

where equality holds if Y is an £-Jacobi field. Combining this with (7.125),
we get

d~ lr=r IYl


:S 2Rc (Y, Y) (.:r) + ~ (6ic) ('Y) - 2 (X, V'yY) (.:r).

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