when>.. is sufficiently small. This and (I.11) imply dGH (N;..,B;..2g (O,r)) '.S
~. Now we have for >.. small enough
dGH ( Bdcone(M(co)) ( 0' r) 'B~2g ( 0' r))
'.S dGH ( Bdcone(M(co)) (0, r), N) + dGH (N, N;..) + dGH (N;.., B;..2g (0, r))
'.S c:.
3. A monotonicity property of nonnegatively curved manifolds
within the injectivity radius
In this section we discuss a monotonicity property of distance spheres in
nonnegatively curved manifolds when their radii are less than the injectivity
radii of their centers. In particular, within the injectivity radii, there are
relatively distance-nonincreasing maps between distance spheres of differ-
ent radii centered at the same point which agree with the flow along rays
emanating from that point. The proof of this uses the Rauch comparison
theorem,^3 which says that geodesics emanating from a point spread out
slower than for the model Euclidean space. We may think of this result as
motivation for the existence theorem for asymptotic cones in the previous
section. ·
Given p EM, we have that any unit speed geodesic
f3: [O,inj (p))--+ M
with f3 ( 0) = p is minimal and the map
expP: B (o, inj (p)) --+ B (p, inj (p))
is a diff eomorphism.
Recall that S (p, s) denotes the distance sphere of radius s centered at
p. For any 0 < s '.S t < inj (p), define the map
(I.13) <p 8 ,t: S (p, s)--+ S (p, t)
where ~ : TpM --+ TpM denotes multiplication by ~.^4 Note that <?s,t is a
diffeomorphism between smooth spheres for 0 < s '.S t < inj (p).
As a subset of the metric space (M, dg), where dg denotes the metric
induced by the Riemannian metric g, for any s > 0 the sphere S (p, s) is
(^3) Alternatively, use the Hessian comparison theorem..
(^4) Note that 'Ps,t (a (s)) =a (t) for any (minimal) unit speed geodesic a: [O, t] _,. M
with a (0) = p.