Since A:::; Ai (CT) :::; 23 ~ 4 ( C + B(ti - to)-^1 ), by (18.37) we obtain
1 4 1
(18.38) dh(tk) (yk, p) < 4 + V2304 3
Since nonnegative Ricci curvature implies that distances are nonincreasing
in time under Ricci fl.ow and since tk :::; t 1 :::; 0, we have
(18.39) dh(O) (yk,P) < 3·
We estimate
0 :::; ti - tk :::; I: (ti - ti+i)
k-1 k-1
:::; I: AR-^1 (Yi, ti) :::; I: A ( C + B(t1 - to)-^1 )-^121 -i
i=l i=l
where the third inequality follows from (18.33) and the fourth inequality
follows from (18.36).
Since A:::; Ai(CT):::; ~ (C + B(ti - to)-^1 ) (ti - to), from (18.40) we ob-
that is,
Since R (Yk, tk) -+ oo if a= oo and since (yk, tk) E Bh(O) (p, i) x [to, ti],^11
which is a set on which R (y, t) is bounded, we must have a< oo.
STEP 2. (y*, t*) = (Yai ta) is the desired point of the lemma.
By Step 1 we have that (18.29) holds for (y*, t*) = (Ya, ta) and all
(y, t) E NB,o satisfying (18.30). On the other hand, (18.41) and (18.38)
imply that
ta - to 2 (1 - CT) (ti - to) and Ya E Bh(ta) (p, ~).
Therefore the lemma holds for (y, t) = (Ya, ta)· D
The point (y*, t*) in Lemma 18.24 satisfies the following properties.
PROPOSITION 18.25 (Curvature control in a parabolic cylinder). Let
the hypotheses of Lemma 18.24 hold and let (y*, t*) be a space-time point
satisfying the conclusion of Lemma 18.24, so that
(i) t* E (to, ti],
(ii) t* -to 2 (1-CT) (t1 -to),
(iii) y* E Bh(t*) (p, i),
(^11) By (18.39) we have Yk E Bh(o) (p, ~).