The quasilinear heat conduction equation^513
follows we expound some exploratory devices for obtaining the simplest
particular solutions to the equation
(15) 8u 8t = ox^8 ( Xo il^0 81l) 8x ' Xo > 0 , (J > 0 , X > 0.
Here the subsidiary information is the temperature at the point x = 0:
(16) U = U 0 tn.
With these, it is required to find a solution to equation (15) in the domain
{ J: > 0, t > 0} with the zero initial te1nperature
( 17) 1l(:r, 0) = 0.
We may atten1pt a solution of this proble1n in the fonn of a "travelling"
u(x, t) = U(Dt - x), D = const,
where U(~) is the unknown function which is sought. Inserting this expres-
sion in ( 15) and taking into account that
8u clU
8x cl~ '
we derive the ordinary differential equation for the function U (0:
x 0 U^0 U^1 =DU+ const.
In the case const = 0, we obtain
which upon integrating once again becon1es
Since U = 0 for t = x = 0 ( ~ = 0), we find that c 0 = 0 and
u = U(O = -D(J ~ )l/cr = -(D2(J)l/o t l/cr( 1 - -x )l/o '
x 0 x 0 Dt