The quasilinear heat conduction equation 515
It may happen that the temperature front is held fixed, that is, D = 0.
Such a solution always exists in a special boundary regime such as
( H1)
u(O, t) = U 0 (to _ t)m ,
where t 0 is an arbitrary constant, under the agreement that the initial
condition was i1nposecl fol' t = -=:
( 20) u(x,-=)=0.
Still using the framework of the n1ethod of separation of variables, a solution
to equation (15) is sought in the form
u(x, t) = v(x) T(t).
Upon substituting this product in ( 15) and separating the variables we
~ !:___ (xo v" dv) = 1 dT = ).
v dx dx T^0 +^1 dt ,
where ). is a separation paran1eter. Whence it follows that
(21) !:___ (x 0 v" dv) - >. v =^0 ,
d."C dx
Along these lines, we n1ay attempt a solution to equation (21) in the
v" -- CY (x I - x)f3 ,
where the numbers CY and (3 are free to be chosen and x 1 is an arbitrary
number. Substituting u" into (21) yields
and reveals
(3 = 2,
). ()2
Having integrated the equation related to T: