Definition 8 .3: Meromorphic function
A function f is said to be m eromorphic in a domain D provided the only
singularities of f are isolated poles and removable singularities.
We make three important observations relating to this definition.
- Analytic functions are a special case of meromorphic functions.
- Rational functions f (z) = Gt~l' where P (z) and Q (z) are polynomials, are
meromorphic in t he entire complex plane. - By definition, meromorphic functions have no essential singularities.
- Rational functions f (z) = Gt~l' where P (z) and Q (z) are polynomials, are
Suppose that f is analytic at each point on a simple closed contour C and f
is meromorphic in the domain that is the interior of C. We assert without proof
that Theorem 7 .13 can be extended to meromorphic functions so that f has at
most a finite number of zeros that lie ins ide C. Since the function g (z) = JfzJ
is also meromorphic, it can have only a finite number of zeros inside C, and so
f can have a t most a finite number of poles that lie inside C.
Theorem 8.8, known as the argument principle, is useful in determining the
number of zeros and poles that a function bas.